Dr Giuseppe Cantafio joins the International Roundtable “Technologies fo Sustainability” speakers list

Dr Giuseppe Cantafio joins the International Roundtable “Technologies fo Sustainability” speakers list

London, 17 November  2023 — We are proud to announce that the Senior Lecturer Academic Development, Dr Giuseppe Cantafio, will be attending our International Roundtable “Technologies for Sustainability” as a speaker.

Giuseppe is lectured in Postgraduate Business and Management. Before his position at the University of Sunderland, London, he worked as a lecturer and researcher on impact and scenario assessment of autonomous and connected transport at the University of Greenwich. He held positions at Northeastern University in Boston, San Diego State University and Universita Mediterranea de Reggio in Calabria, Italy, where he was a researcher on the MAPS-LED Project, which explores multidisciplinary approaches to planning smart specialisation strategies for Local Economic Development.

He taught about Global Strategy, Managing Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Innovation Management, Operations, Strategic Mgmt, Project Management, e-Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Marketing.

The event will take place at the Royal Air Force Club, London, on 4 April 2024 at 08:30 am. To purchase tickets for the Gala, please click on this link.

For tickets for the Roundtable, click on this link